Phambili Solutions Pave the Way

Agriculture is entering a transformative era, and we at Phambili believe in the power of innovation combined with traditional wisdom to bring about a successful transition to regenerative farming. While the green revolution successfully fed a growing global population, it came at a cost. Our soil health, biodiversity, and climate have suffered as a result of extractive practices. We must move quickly to transform agriculture by employing a suite of practices known as regenerative agriculture.

Regenerative agriculture harmoniously blends sustainable innovation with time-honored practices. The essence of this concept lies within practices that regenerated our soils and the planet’s ecosystems. By adopting regenerative agriculture practices, we can improve soil health, achieve high productivity, produce premium quality food, combat climate change, and restore lost biodiversity.

Phambili provides fundamental tools that agricultural producers can incorporate as part of a successful regenerative program.

Leveraging Ancient Wisdom for Modern Solutions

Many of the key practices in regenerative agriculture, such as intercropping and agroforestry, trace their roots back to indigenous farmers who have long understood the importance of working with the land rather than against it. At Phambili, we strongly believe that regenerative agriculture holds the key to transforming our global food systems.

Goals Of Regenerative Agriculture

Produce enough nutritious food for the world's population.
Mitigate climate change by sequestering carbon in the soil and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Restore threatened biodiversity and natural habitats.
Prevent further deforestation and grassland conversion.
Enhance farmer livelihoods.

Phambili's Regenerative Benefits for Agriculture

Building And Sequestering Soil Carbon

One key aspect of Phambili’s contribution to regenerative agriculture lies in the utilization of biochar to build and sequester soil carbon. Biochar holds tremendous promise for enhancing soil health and resilience. When incorporated into agricultural lands, biochar acts as a long-term carbon sink, effectively trapping atmospheric carbon dioxide and preventing its release into the atmosphere. Simultaneously, biochar enriches the soil structure, improving water retention capacity, promoting beneficial microbial activity, and enhancing nutrient availability for plants. By harnessing the power of biochar, Phambili enables farmers to cultivate carbon-rich soils that not only mitigate climate change but also support sustainable and productive agriculture for generations to come.

More Productive And Resilient Crops

Through the synergistic combination of biochar and organic crop care practices, crops are more resilient and productive. Biochar improves soil health and water holding capacity. By integrating organic crop care methods and organic fertilizers, we provide a balanced ecosystem that promotes beneficial insect and microbial populations. The result is a bountiful harvest of high-quality crops, cultivated sustainably and without compromising the long-term health of the soil or the surrounding environment.

Healthier Foods

Heavy metals can pose risks to human health when accumulated in crops. Biochar acts as a natural filter. It binds heavy metals and prevents their absorption by plants, resulting in safer and more nutritious food production.

Reduced Chemical Applications

We minimize reliance on synthetic chemicals by tapping into nature’s own solutions. Our portfolio of organic crop care products and fertilizers can replace conventional synthetic products that often impair natural populations. This holistic approach drastically reduces chemical inputs and reduces production costs.

Reduced Fertilizer Leaching

Traditional fertilizers often leach out of the soil. It contributes to environmental concerns and inefficient use of resources. However, when biochar is added to the soil, it adsorbs and retains nutrients and prevents leaching. This not only maximizes the effectiveness of applied fertilizers but also safeguards the environment by reducing nutrient runoff into waterways.

Reduced Groundwater And Waterway Contamination

Biochar protects our groundwater supplies. Biochar filters out harmful substances and prevents them from infiltrating groundwater reserves or draining into surface aquatic ecosystems. Our organic crop care products replace synthetic products that may end up in our waterways or groundwater.

Reduced GGH Emissions From Tractors, Trucks, And Other Equipment

Traditional diesel fuels used in agricultural machinery are a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. These GHG emissions contribute to climate change and its associated impacts. Phambili’s renewable diesel reduces emissions from agricultural machinery like tractors, trucks, and equipment.

Increased Water Holding Capacity

Our biochar improves soil tilth and water holding capacity. Biochar can also hold water up to four times its weight. This means that crops are less likely to stress even in the driest conditions. Virtually every field have sections that contain sandy or poor soils. If the water holding capacity of these sections can be improved, the entire field would require less irrigation and see reduced overall water consumption.

Reduced Soil Erosion

Soil erosion poses a significant threat to our farmland. At current degradation rates, much of our land will run out of topsoil before the end of this century. Research has demonstrated that Biochar amendment reduces soil bulk density and penetration resistance, increases soil porosity and hydraulic conductivity, and enhances soil aggregate stability. Simply put, Biochar helps soil to absorb and hold water instead of the topsoil being carried off with each irrigation or rain event.

Increased Beneficial Insect Populations

Welcome the natural defenders of your crops. These tiny insects, such as ladybugs and lacewings serve as nature’s army, tirelessly patrolling your fields and keeping destructive pests in check. Phambili’s organic crop care practices protect beneficial insect populations, unlike many conventional pesticides that do not differentiate between good and bad insects.

Enhanced Microbial Populations

Our biochar provides a beneficial environment for microbial growth and diversity, fostering a thriving community below the surface. These all important microbial populations help make applied nutrients more available to the growing crop. This means that less applied fertilizer is required in order to achieve the same outcome.

Promoting Biodiversity With Off-Season Cover Crops

For a number of major crops, the removal of agricultural residue provides the opportunity to grow off-season or cover crops and generate additional revenue for the farm. Many of these crops not only improve the soil but also support beneficial insects such as honeybees, birds, and other wildlife. By nurturing this vibrant ecosystem through feedstock practices, we promote biodiversity, enhance pollination, and create a thriving habitat for natural predators that keep pests in check.

Enhanced Farm Sustainability Through Waste Residue Revenues

Phambili’s feedstock program will make farms more sustainable. Our feedstock program provides farmers higher returns from their crop residues while also contributing to the circular economy and engaging in regenerative practices.